Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

Wishing you a meaningful and joyous Easter season

Easter is not about Easter bunnies, little fluffy chickens and egg hunts.
We read in the bible that in the “old testament” days, animals like goats, bulls and lambs without blemish were sacrificed as a sin offering for the people. The blood would purify and make an atonement (forgive, make amends) for their sins. When Jesus came, He was the representation of the sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the people. He was the final sacrifice. We no longer have to sacrifice animals to make atonement for our sins. Jesus has done this once and for all. It’s His blood that cleanses us from all sin. He was crucified on the cross (form of execution in those days). The sin of the world was upon Him, yet He was without sin and blameless. He bore it all. This is why Jesus is referred as the “Lamb of God”. He was bodily resurrected (came back to life) on the third day. He appeared to many – eating and drinking with them. He appeared to many for 40 days, then ascended (went up to) Heaven. Acts 1: 1-11

“Yet it was our weaknesses he carried, it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God for his own sins! But he was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace. He was whipped, and we were healed. All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God’s path to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the guilt and sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth.”
Isaiah. 53: 4-7

“But these things were written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life”. John 20:31

This same Jesus loves us and is waiting for us to come to Him for forgiveness of our sins today. Let Him come into your life; let Him become your personal Lord and Savior.


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