101 Reasons for Thankfulness by Albert Martens

1, for Mother’s love and care for her children
2, for Mother’s all her hard work for me
3, for Mother’s many prayers daily for me and all her other family members
4, for Mother’s peaceful and loving heart
5, for Mother’s good and clean (dry) sense of humour
6, for Mother’s great example of endurance
7, for Mother’s devotion and commitment to her Lord Jesus
8, for Mother’s wide range of activities
9, for Mother’s “out of the box” thinking
10, for Mother’s very creative mind and hands
11, for Mother’s leadership in the home
12, for Mother’s heart for charity
13, for Mother’s special plum jam
14, for Mother’s very special pancakes (with lots of smoke, smell-able half a mile away)
15, for Mother’s artwork
16, for Mother’s special sugar “Platz”
17, for Mother’s patience and understanding
18, for Mother’s special embroidery work
19, for Mother’s warm quilts that she made
20, for Mother’s letters she wrote to us in Europe
21, for Mother’s management skills in the big family household
22, for Mother cleaning the house often – all those windows to wash
23, for Mother’s chicken noodle soup
24, for Mother taking care of the farm, milking the cows
25, for Mother changing my diapers several thousand times
26, for Mother’s changing of my siblings diapers, so we could have a pleasant environment (there were 6 older brothers and 4 sisters) = which equals about 60,000 times in total
27, for Mother’s quiet times reading her bible by her bedroom window
28, for Mother teaching me to pray, sitting up in bed before going to sleep each night
29, for health care when I was sick with flues and fevers
30, for Mother giving us an orange when we were very sick, as a treat
31, for Mother and Father enduring in an often difficult marriage
32, for Mother’s content and positive outlook on life
33, for Mother’s Borscht
34, for Mother’s strong stand on her faith in the Lord Jesus
35, for Mother’s good judgment and good old fashioned common sense of right and wrong
36, for Mother’s values
37, for Mother’s principles
38, for Mother’s great interest in geography
39, for Mother’s open mind to other people’s views
40, for Mother’s variety of interests
41, for Mother’s acceptance of others
42, for Mother’s ability to take criticism
43, for Mother’s ability to receive unfair treatment
44, for Mother’s allowance for her children to grow and develop in their interests
45, for Mother’s wisdom
46, for Mother’s discernment in difficult times
47, for Mother’s stamina, physically and spiritually and emotionally
48, for Mother’s gifts she gave to me
49, for Mother’s pleasant approach to life’s problems
50, for Mother dressing well and respectfully
51, for Mother taking care of herself
52, for Mother’s example of doing Charity work-Ladies Sewing Circle Auction sales for Humanitarian purposes
53, for Mother’s advice and counsel
54, for Mother’s opinion
55, for Mother’s good cooking with very little amounts of store groceries
56, for Mother’s home made pies, even when they were cherry pies with stones
57, for Mother’s home made big loaves of bread
58, for Mother’s wake up calls, even if they were with hitting the ceiling with a broom
59, for Mother’s warnings and cautions
60, for Mother’s spanking with a piece of firewood, right on the “buns”
61, for Mother’s sense of protection
62, for Mother’s helping hand in learning (even though homework was not seen as very important)
63, for Mother’s encouragements
64, for Mother sewing clothe for us
65, for Mother’s hard garden work, seeding & hoeing the big garden
66, for Mother’s treats of strawberries and home made ice cream
67, for Mother’s teachings
68, for Mother’s encouragements
69, for Mother’s fixing our clothes, patching pants
70, for Mother’s jam sandwiches for school
71, for Mother’s forgiveness and love even when we as brothers were up to bad things
72, for Mother’s carrying the water to the house for us to drink
73, for Mother’s helping in the food preparations when we had to slaughter pigs for food
74, for Mother’s canning of garden fresh food for the winter
75, for Mother’s ability to bake creatively with little food staples
76, for Mother not complaining in her old age
77, for Mother’s peaceful and content heart in her old age
78, for Mother’s attitude about her growing older
79, for Mother’s dusting and cleaning the house
80, for Mother’s discipline
81, for Mother’s home decorating with limited resources
82, for Mother’s beautiful Gloxinias on the window sills
83, for Mother cutting my hair
84, for Mother crocheting doilies, even though I don’t like doilies to this day
85, for Mother allowing us to make homemade butter
86, for Mother’s forgiveness when my butter pail lid flew off (guess where the butter went)
87, for Mother’s great gooseberry moos
88, for Mother’s Vreneki
89, for Mother’s great Rollkuchen with watermelons
90, for Mother’s raising chickens for eggs and meat
91, for Mother’s washing the cream separator
92, for Mother holding the pillows against the windows during the hailstorm
93, for Mother sending us to Sunday School a mile away from home
94, for Mother getting food on the table, even during the year we were hailed out
95, for Mother’s open house to her children’s friends
96, for Mother’s liquid embroidery artwork
97, for Mother’s nutritious meals
98, for Mother learning English, to read, speak English
99, for Mother’s good stewardship
100,for Mother’s absolute trust and hope in the Lord Jesus
101, for Mother’s acceptance of her lot in her life.
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